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Malkangni Seeds

  • Malkangni Seeds

Product Name: Malkangni Seeds

Botanic Name: Celastrus Paniculatus


Malkangni seeds known as (Celastrus Paniculatus Seeds) and its oil are mainly used in Ayurveda medicines. Generally it is used for de-addiction. it is beneficial for treating opium addiction.

The seeds of Celastrus Paniculatus have very hot potency, which means seed powder produces heat in the body and gives feeling of warmness after its consumption. This effect generally appears with larger dosage of Malkangni. However, smaller dosage may also increase heat in the body, but up to tolerable level. Therefore, many ayurvedic physicians use Celastrus Paniculatus in winter season in higher doses and choose lower dosage for hot season. Its lower dosage is also very effective in management of a several diseases.

Celastrus Paniculatus improves memory and cognitive functions. It is beneficial in neurological diseases and pain disorders including muscle cramps, backache, sciatica, osteoarthritis, facial paralysis and paralysis.

Malkangni Seeds

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