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H2O Cajeput Essential Oil

  • H2O Cajeput  Essential Oil

Product Name: H2O Cajeput Essential Oil

Botanic Name: Melaleuca cajeputi


Cajeput is a small tree with a tolerably erect but crooked trunk; a soft, thick, spongy, whitish, ash-colored bark; and scattered branches, with the slender twigs often drooping as completely as in the weeping willow (Salix Babylonica). The leaves are alternate, most frequently vertical, short-stalked, narrow- lanceolate, while young, sericeous, sometimes slightly falcate, from 3 to 5 inches long, and from 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch broad; and very aromatic when bruised

Add one teaspoon to the bath tub and run water and enjoy the bath get all the benefits of cajeput essential oil. To make the linen spray or room spray add one teaspoon to 4 oz. (125 ml) distilled water. INGREDIENTS: - Cajeput Oil, Natural surfactant, Fractionated Coconut Oil and Vegetable Glycerin.

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