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Botanic Name: Artemisia Absinthium


Extremely bitter leaves nibbled to stimulate appetite. Teas a folk remedy for delayed menses, fevers, and as a vermifuge. Good for stomach, liver and gallbladder ailments. Formerly used to make the liqueur Absinthe, which contains the mildly toxic principle thujone, chemically similar to THC. Intoxication from Absinthe liqueurs has been likened to that induced by marijuana. It is theorized that active component of both plants may react with the same receptors of the central nervous system. Common Wormwod preparations contain virtually no thujone, which can only be concentrated effectively by a complicated multi-phase extraction process including double steam distillation.

Intoxication from Absinthe liqueurs has been likened to that induced by marijuana. It is theorized that active component of both plants may react with the same receptors of the central nervous system. Common Wormwod preparations contain virtually no thujone, which can only be concentrated effectively by a complicated multi-phase extraction process including double steam distillation.

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